Friday, November 2, 2007

Your confinement will lead to the development of a sense of personal control

I have not had a drink in about ten days. It has been quite the trying experience.

My rehabilitation has gone alright so far. The center is cozy, nestled some where in the hills of Los Angeles County, although I am not sure exactly where. Everyone seems nice. Especially Claire, the girl in the room next to mine. We have hit it off smashingly, although I have yet to convince her to slip off her underwear. There is still time though.

They reward us for our progress. I gained access to the library after three days of sobriety, television after the fifth, and the internet upon the tenth. This is why I have been gone for so long. I am allotted 30 minutes every three days. Though my time is limited, I hope to be more of a presence over the coming weeks.

I am still thirsty but things are improving and they could always be worse. I could still be with mummy. Thank heavens I am not.

Trust and belief,


P.S. Dartmouth Minx, I do not approve of your methods of airing my personal laundry. I thought you of better character than that.

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