Note: I don't use text book definitions. I employ instead the vernacular of dock side workers in various regions of Maryland.
The cold fact is that nothing amazing has ever happened. Every instant of amazement merely poses. It is coincidence, performance, and luck. Things fit into their pegs and except for the most EXTREME CONDITIONS, they stay in their place. Even when something occurs to spark notions of inspiration and wonderful, for the most part, it has it's place within the unwritten rules that govern the way things. For instance: A tree grows for fifty years in a pattern looking just like the Eiffel Tower. This is not amazing. Trees have a propensity a grow and existence has a propensity to explore it's bounds. It is still cool as hell but not quite amazing. For instance: A tree grows for fifty years and starts spitting out age old operettas. That is amazing, if solely because it is otherwise unfathomable.
If the Sixth Sense were a documentary, the subject would be the most extraordinary event in the history of the universe.
With things prone to reason there is a limited impossibility for changes to occur merely for the purpose of changing. The Dead don't rise and people don't turn invisible. Nothing is magical. Nothing exists for the sole purpose to create fun or provide euphoria. There is nothing on the human body not associated with movement, feeling, or other various biologic systems.
Not with jenkem. Jenkem is a street drug developed from the fermentation of various human feces in a soda bottle topped with a balloon for several hours or days. The gas from the feces accumulates into the balloon. The gases are then huffed and you get high, real high apparently.
I don't about you but I find this to be a beautiful idea.
With jenkem the world is stretching out the tendrils of it's long cool fingers to provide an unexpected lift. It involves the huffing of feces and a n advanced sense of bliss. How wonderful it could be that something as useless as feces could be harnessed for a purpose, albeit a ridiculous one. With feces taking on such a property, the reason for no reason at all is validated, and the existence of God can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
The process this takes on exists for you and I to smile. Someone out there wants us to.
Oh wait. No. Jenkem is fake. Nothing will ever exist for the reason of for no reason at all. At least there's culture. I'll see you at the screening for Mr. Magorium's Magical Emporium I 'll be the one crying.
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