Thursday, November 1, 2007

potentialities at their finest

fearful masses,

fret not your pretty heads, we at bring back the hindenburg, will soon be back. last i heard charlie, minxie, and the freshly unshackled agent a-rod, were walking library to library in search of candy. as for myself, im currently writing my own version of bellow's the adventures of augie march (without ever having read it), reading japanese teenage girl comics, and dreaming of jamaican style dance halls in good ol london. obvs were kinda busy, but soon, soon we will roar back triumphantly. i wouldnt be suprised if its sometime tomorrow.

things to look forward to, the death of escapism and the beginning stages of the great american novel starring the x-men. its been rumored for ages, but now its starting become a muthafuckin reality. ree-al-i-tay!!!

1 comment:

Dartmouth Minx said...

I really, truly hope you die.