before getting into things, i thought it necessary to link to this. for those of you who dont know, freedarko is one of our godfathers. we have many. among them lil wayne and the inventor of cheese whiz.
next stop substance of my own creation.
unlike some of my hindenburgian brethren, im not from a fucked up city. well, maybe a little bit fucked up, but not in comparisson to detroit. instead, I am from Los Angeles.
because of this my basketball rooting interest rests with none other than the precocious Los Angeles Lakers. the Lakers are a team that has treated me well, but as recent events (ie anything involving the black mamba) have shown the here and the now is bleak. yet for some reason i find myself more excited about this nba season than i have ever been before.
maybe part of me still has hope that kobe and lamar will learn to coexist and create aesthetically beauty. maybe part of me hope that if my nightmares comes true and kobe leaves the Lakers will get something worthwhile in return (i would be mildly happy were gilbert or stoudemire to be come the new face of showtime). or maybe part of me is just glad that my fourth favorite team is back, and regardless of how they fare will distract me from the atrociousness of professional football. whatever the case may be im excited. it maybe he short lived but whatevs.
oh and as for that potential trade hanging out in the corner, no trade clause or not, i dont think kobes holding all the cards. the lakers have a more important factor on their side. time. kobe cant opt out until the season after next, and really will someone so aware of his place in the echelon of basketball history tank two of his remaining prime season forcing the team to trade him. hate to say it to all you kittie kats in chicago, i just dont see it happening. the lakers will return to being a quality team before the trade him for shit.
i hope.
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