whoa is me minxie, always resorting to stories about gunters when the going gets tough.
for all of you reading, yes minxie has gone through some tough times, some of which were spent lying on his death bed in the land of ______ chocolate. but havent we all layed on our own death beds from time to time. well maybe we havent (in my case at least) but still the hostility is as unwarranted as could be. what have minxie's friends done to him to make him feel the necessity to tear us down.
you know i know weve all agreed not to air company business (a pact minxie has ignored time after time) but when he started telling everyone about minxies problems, my shit was flipped. sure archibalds a fucked up kiddie kat but so was i and so was minxie im sure. i mean i dont know for sure, being open and being minxie are apparently too separate things.
this thing is starting to flail out of control so let me just say thing, minxie you are currently living through the time of your life, so instead of reminding us all about our inadequacies why dont you try to enjoy your life for once. fer realz yo, shitd do you some good.
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