Sunday, November 11, 2007


Wouldn't it be better if it was horrible? Think Michael Bay! Think Film School Students! Everything horrible and devastating is summed up and exacerbated by the next willing/waiting generation. The attitudes I see on a daily basis are terrible and sad. I imagine that these are the sort of attitudes that produced Nick Van Exel and the novel The Historian. I couldn't read that novel when dying. I watched NFL Europe but still couldn't read about Vampire Menstruation. 

Little known fact: I the author, was not always so positive but at one point in time I was on my death bed. I was mighty close to the great beyond REM sang so strongly about but I had a vision. I saw my ego, I saw all the negativity, but at that moment near death that I smiled. Nothing would ever get to me. On my deathbed, with massive internal bleeding I didn't fear, I didn't quake, I asked foreign speaking doctors about Dirk Nowitzki. There was no fear but on the cusp I agreed that the life I lived was worthwhile and worthy. 

The current version is even more worthwhile but without validation of even the most mundane of sorts. That is how it goes. I suppose. 

:Life is good. Life is boring, If I were a starving albino at the very least I'd have something to think about. 

I would rather be Chris Wilcox then go to class. My tags are amazing. 

I couldn't post them but here they are...

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