today i watched a man get punched over a dvd copy of the sixth season of the simpsons. it was one of the most fierce things i have ever seen, and it was perputrated by a couple in their late teens/early twenties.
while i felt a tinge of remorse for the man whose face was most definitely aching, i also found myself wondering about the chaos that was obvs running through the heads of those kids. there was a time in the not too distant path, when i may have been just like them. not saying that i would walk around punching middle aged men who were just trying to buy episodes of a tv show they loved so dearly in their college years (back when they were actually young! and still felt like they belonged at concerts), but there was a time when i was very--i dont know how to phrase it exactly--restless.
from the time i was 16 until about half way through my 19th year of life, everything i saw around me sucked. it not that i was living a bad life (in fact things were pretty neat now that i think about it) it just that everything seemed stupid, retarded, and lacked any sense of realness (in the keepin it real sense of the word). i lived in a world full of fakeness and i didnt need a plaid hunters cap to notice it (not saying that thats what he needed, but you know what i mean? yeh?). i guess this is a feeling most people experience at some point during their lives, adolescents in particular, the thing was i just wanted to destroy everything, fuck it all up and start all over again. it was a naive and ill thought out way of thinking, but what can i say. i was young and i romanticized pretty much everything. well, everything that was badass at least.
obvs shit eventually changed in my head, eventually i came to grips with the idea that destruction was not the ends to my mean, but instead lameness. not that this realization has stopped me from being punched time after time after time, but i now walk around and appreciate the things that litter my life rather than question their street cred. its really a lot more constructive.
now instead of wanting to put my fist through everything i see, i just want to pack everything i own into a bright red back pack, hop on my bike, and ride through the japanese country side learning everything i can about life. i don't think about this all the time, just a few minutes a week.
once i threw a guy through a plate glass window to secure myself a copy of "to wong fu, thanks for everything, julie newmar".
it was worth it.
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