"it never seemed like you much cared for the greats, at any rate."
sometimes you talk to people you haven't talked to in awhile, and within a few minutes they remind you of exactly why you haven't talked to them in awhile.
but back to the quote, yeah i never really cared for the greats. so what. i just didnt really like them. actually, to be more accurate, i found them to be boring, mind numbingly at times. this wasn't to say that all classics are dry and a chore to read, i do actually like some of them a lot (i.e. the works of joyce and twain), but i've always read what i like. i dont know if i really came to realize this until recently, but thats always been the deciding factor on whether or not i read a book. its status as a classic, if others hated it, or if it was a genre work, none of that shit mattered to me. the only thing that did was that i would feel satisfied at how i spent my time when i finished it.
because of this, im not exactly the most well read english major (with a focus on creative writing, but still) but im ok with that. dont get me wrong ive read a lot, but not really any of the stuff i shouldve read (books on bobby fischer, yes. books by dickens, not so much). it sometimes used to bother me in my survey classes, but ive come to grips with it. plus i still have a lot of time to catch up on those "greats" should i ever choose to. who knows maybe i will. theres plenty of stuff written pre 1800 that im interested in. and i do see tristam shandy on my bookshelf right now.
regardless of whether i do try and of those classics the point of this post is mainly to say that, we should all consume what we want, not shit that we find lame. arts supposed to better our lives and provide enlightenment, but if we feel its a big waste of time, it aint doin that. so fuck it read, watch, listen, and eat what you want. dont settle for anything less.
big ups to charlie on some amazing shit as of late. were still rough around the edges here at bring back the hindnburg, but i think were starting to show what were capable of.
youll also notice a lack of quality from minxie. the reason for this is that hes a no good piece of shit asshole. probably too busy reading mary shelley or masturbating to championship montages of those decrepit boston redsox. most lopsided world series ever? yeah, but also the most boring ever. guess it figures the world series trophy would end up in a fucking liberal fronting racist city after all that. as curtis pointed out one good thing ever happened in boston, a molasses factory once exploded. thats all. thats probably a gross exageration but i am just displacing my hatred for minxie on boston, because im guessin he probably loves him. hes all about the bandwagon n shit like that.
speaking of curtis, anyone heard from him lately?
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