Though I will often lie about the fact, I am not exempt to social pressures. I believe they are pure social construction, along the lines of the Snowy Owl and Big Foot but nonetheless I adhere. In my defense if Big Foot told me what to do I would comply no questions asked. This attitude leads to many things, one of which is a folicile lightning bolt. However, it does not lead to Cocaine.
Last night, 3am. Sweetest Day was a' dwindling. A knock came on the window all frantic, and pane riling. A southern voice boomed "Hey Does your Chicken ave any blow?" Although the state of man is called into question when fowl become seen as sources of toxins that should only be used for ritualistic purposes, I cannot deny that I am proud of myself for living a life like this. Anytime your pet can be seen as a source of drugs you are at the very least making impression.
Though proud of the dividends it is this sort of mind set that sinks ships and creates brain tumors. Eighty percent of tumors have been linked to wearing pants that "just didn't feel right".
Peer pressure is so lambasted and cliched that it should be appearing in Target commercials. I am not immune to Target commercials. This is especially true in corn mazes. Children come scared in a non scary place asking for rescue. I vote for these very same reasons. I vote because I am american. i vote because I have never seen a volcano and never driven a blimp.
Does this diatribe have a route or is this drivel leading to yet another discussion of democracy (Obama = black= resonant) or post modernism (how the Foul Ball was invented)? I hope it doesn't . It is at that precise moment that the mission hits fail on this objectiveless objective.
Like my drug dealing chicken I suppose I am only at my best when annoyed or endangered. Chickens spend all day in a state of luxury. However, when an iota of perturbed comes across their spectrum of life or "coop", they rise into action, right their way, and resume to their previous state.
This chicken mind set has been put into place for many aspects of my life and I've countered and reverted with relative ease. This leads to a point of severe success and when I hear about terrible dust storms and fires part of me wishes I could be a part of them, for no reason than to establish whatever event occuring directly before as worth fighting for.
This is where it leads. Something has no worth until you fight for it. Hark these words Adam Morrison, the Cocaine isn't sweet on it's own. It's sweet because you racked your brain and saw a chicken as the only possible source. For such thinking you will be rewarded. Chicken makes the Cocaine sweet.
I've never done Cocaine, but I might be a mule.
Sincerely yours,
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