-text message from Archibald Aurelius Samuelson XLIII

so weve been meaning to get this blog shindig on the road for a few weeks now, and just as we finally set things in motion fucking archibald gets sick. fucker. and as chuck said he is sort of the brains of the whole operation, a fact we will no doubt one day come to rue.
but fuck that shit. the kid (don't let his status as an accountant fool you, hes still a kid) aint gettin healthy anytime soon, and im tired of waiting around for shit to get sorted out. so here goes my attempt at trying to sum up all things hindenburgian. this is my perception of it at least, we all got different ones, and as thing progress im sure all of us will write our spiel at some point.
regardless the stuffiness of our names, all of us here at bring back the hindenburg are still pretty young things, and like all good pretty young things we find ourselves at an interesting crossroads in our lives in which we really have no idea what the fuck is going on. granted some of us have some semblance of a plan, but even if weve got that, that's all it is, a concept that may or may not come to fruition. regardless of our "direction" or lack there of we still find ourselves in a world thats cool, sad, boring, frustrating and pretty much any other description you can think of. with bring back the hindenburg we are attempting to record that world. we've spent enough of our lives consuming and now its time to create shit. well not shit, but stuff. you know what im saying.
so there you go the bring back the hindenburg mission statement (or at least mine). this blog will be anything but static, constantly evolving to meet our whims whether they be as individual or team based. hopefully the two or three of you who read this will like it, but probably you wont, and really that's cool, because we dont really give a fuck (actually we probably do but were just too cool to admit it). this will be where we try to recreate the absurdity of the lives we all lead.
we got big things coming soon. curtis granderson's (what a fuckin thug) world series coverage will start soon. if he gets around to it he'll hopefully post a preview before wednesdays game one. as to the other stuff thats coming? i dont really know whats weve got on deck other than my attempt to articulate why ive come to love mtv's real world so very much. what ever it is thought, i can guarantee that shitll have pop. because thats what our shits got, pop.
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