I don't know why I took this class. hell, I don't even know why I'm in this school. My dream of piloting a blimp doesn't hinge on a great deal of knowledge. It hinges on the ability to sneak on a Carnival Vessel and hijack the shit, kamikaze style. In my fantasies this will also double as my honeymoon. High Crime at high seas, could anything be more romantic?
I am currently enrolled in an online class through the University of Phoenix. I thought it'd be like an Israeli Medical School, just pay and wish the days away, weeks later there is a degree with your Jewish name on it. (Is there such a thing as Jewish names?). This logic seemed infallible at the time. Shaq got a Master's from University of Phoenix, how hard can it be? Shaq probably tried though. As aloof as he may be he doesn't seem lazy. A lazy person wouldn't masquerade as a cop. They would moonlight as a security guard. I'm lazy. So lazy that I haven't been to my correspondence course in over a month. That was a joke. Lighten up.
In a cruel twist of fate my Holocaust class is having it's final tomorrow. I have been provided the essays in advance. This has not been a help. Follow me as I attempt to study.
Part B- Essay
1. The "Final Solution" took place more or less in three stages. What measures were taken against the Jews in each stage, how did they change, and how did each stage follow from the previous one?
Through many cultures in a variety of junctures in History, the Jewish people have long been used as a scape goat. Perhaps it is no coincidence that the term "scape goat" came from a Jewish tradition of placing blame on a goat, smacking it with a paddle, and letting it run away in hopes it will drag the problems along with it. Though the thing I do best is lie, I am not lying now. My 11th grade Sociology teacher, Ms. Cranfield taught me all about this. I remember her best for her strict attendance policies, fancy automobiles, and the fact that she came to my graduation party and gave me a twenty five dollar gift certificate to Best Buy. As a rule of thumb, I try to stay an optimist. it is hard to be an optimist while thinking about Genocide. this is part of the reason why I am ignorant and day dreaming in class. the other reason is because sometimes I think about Unicorns.
In post World War I Germany, Jews were taking on an abundance of blame. Blamed for the Armistice and ensuing loss of national pride, a target was placed upon the Jewish people. The Holocaust culminated in the presence of efficiently engineered death camps but it found its origin in the early days of the Nazi party. It is tough to think that something this horrible would be so coldly calculated, so rooted in the imagination of one time. It is even tougher to think that similarly terrible circumstances are occurring all over the world, even now, after we have been already been shocked and awe by the presence of atrocity. It is more awful, still, to think of the myriad of ways it could have been prevented and how government economic interests are taking precedence over human life. it is much easier to think about building a bird house. Just think, a family of homeless birds will have a safe, cozy home for the winter. maybe it will be so warm that they won't have to migrate south for the winter. Their little wings will be so strong and rested!
The first phase of the "Final Solution" began in 1933 with the Nazi rise to power. Jews were stripped of legal rights via state sponsored racism. There were also economic boycotts of Jewish businesses and there was coerced immigration, even though it was getting more and more difficult for them to leave. They were removed from politics and weren't allowed to own property. Sterilization laws were also put into effect in 1933. During this period the Jews were subjected to escalating violence, culminating in the Kristallnacht. These are the basics of the first phase. To avoid any detail is not a cop out, it would be crippling to do so.
The second phase began when Germany invaded Poland and World War II began. A system of containment was considered for the Jews. One of this plans was the idea of sending them to Madagascar. They didn't go through with this plan, instead they opted for something much worse. You can see examples of this second phase in films such as The Pianist. Movies about "The Final Solution" have more guts then I do. You should probably just watch them. They are always directed by directors of significance, the Holocaust film is becoming a bulwark of many top directors and a good bet for Oscar recognition.
The third phase was... Ms. Cranfield used to take vacations to Europe with a group of other history teachers. I'm sure they could tell you all about it.
The End.
We've been controversial lately haven't we?
THE LIST - Why NewHindenburg has gotten so damned muckraking
1. Outrage over the writer's strike and not enough outlets
2. Eggnog binge
3. Went deaf, can't hear criticism.
4. Sold our blog to Charlie Ward.
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