In my past I have told you many truths. I've explained how Archie is an injector, Remus is a rapscallion, and how Curtis Granderson is a fuckwad. That doesn't matter now. I tell these things to everyone and I still don't know who Remus is. I presume he is possibly the King of Sweden.
There is a party. A legitimate, swoiree swirling about my midst. Here I am writing to you, a small core of Archie's lovers and Charlie's family. That's ok I suppose. Maybe I could gun for the quick fuck but I'd rather wait for love. I am the best person in at least 7 lives. I am not he best person I know, I'm not the person I ought to be. That person works at the zoo and lets the animals run around free at night. That is a person who deserves whatever they want. I don't think I have done that yet.
This is the first drought of my life. Like Andrea Bargnani or John Updike, two brothers in the grand scheme of it, I will not take charge. I can wait idly. I can twiddle my thumbs. Then and only then will the game come to me. In that instant I will actually appreciate the game.
Chris Kaman is reaching new heights. We ought to be there for him. Dismiss those silt conversations with silly neighbors, don't chase that tail feather. The most rewarding experience you can have is to watch Chris Kaman. He is tall, ugly, and addled with the ADD that defines his and my collective experience. It is a matter of fact that is you shoot arrows off your roof that we have something in common. I look at this glimmer and hope I will someday destroy all that is around me. I want the literary equivalent of 18 points and 14 rebounds. I also want the literary equivalent to Brazilian restaurants. My ambitions are boundless, endless, and silly. Tim Burton. We are strangers, but I think I get it.
Let's go to the Congo and pretend that it's Nigeria. Screaming won't protect us forever.
A special welcome to Vincent Vermouth. He will blow your min d in unusual ways starting as soon as he figures out how to post.
1 comment:
it may be true
that joan and john
met at a party for a quick fuck
and noone payed attention
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