I've been giving a lot of thought to speed posting lately, so here it is, my first attempt. a post in just under 5 minutes. This post will include whatever strikes my fancy over the next 5 minutes, so don't expect any narrative structure. At least not a legible one.
I live alone. Well I used to. An old buddy of mine, Prince Eternia moved in this past weekend. Actually decided to commandeer my couch would probably be a better way of putting it. I am excited though. His recent foray into grabbing hold of his destiny have made him a more interesting person. What else would you expect of someone who'd recently started traveling through time.
I hear him moaning from the bathtub. I can't quite decipher it but I'm guessing that he is asking me to remember to note that he has come to late 2007 in search of a wife. Ideally he'd like a girl named Alexandra. It'd also help if she is smaller than him. He is 5'11."
I was kicked out of a bookstore yesterday. My excitement over finding a 1976 paperback copy Updike's Rabbit, Run, was deemed inappropriate and I was asked to leave. I calmly slipped the book into my waste band and left with a simple, "Fuck all y'all. It's a bookstore there's nothing wrong with me being excited about finding a book here."
Time's running out so in keeping with recent history I'll end this shit, with a quick list:
Things I will do to Dartmouth next time I see him
1. Break his ankles and hit yet another pull up j on him.
2. Punch him in the face for being a philistine. And not the good kind.
3. Chastise him for his continued support of right wing religious cults
4. Mock him for his family's inability to defeat ebola. You need tougher genes.
5. Steal his honey like I stole his bike
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