I slashed the fuck out of my hand today.
Dearest Prince Eternia does not like crusts on his sandwiches, but because the entirety of time is constantly on his mind he cannot be bothered to remove them himself. Since I'm guessing the weight of the cosmos is not that easy to carry on ones' shoulders I've been doing the cutting while Prince has been sleeping on my floor. As one can probably guess today I managed to cut my hand while trimming his sandwich to a more manageable size. It sucks but if my wound helps prevent the time and space from collapsing in upon itself, I figure it is well worth it. Plus now I can say I actually have a real life war wound.
For some reason the name of the band Chromeo makes me think of Chef Boyardee style Italian food. By the by anyone else remember when slash meant to pee?
While few people would mistake me for someone who makes a big deal about all things Christmas-y, I am quite a fan of Christmas specials. I loved them when I was young and I love them now as a struggling Russian writer on the verge of vagrantdom.
I also like year-end-best-of-lists.
The combination of decade skipping and the holidays has slowed my writing as of late. I've decided to dedicate much of my time at work over the next two days to getting some writing done though. I'll try to translate this time into some of my patented universe altering posts. Hopefully this idea won't be a shit load of hot air but as with all things we'll see how that goes.
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