The scene, a crowd of reporters seven to eight deep surround Patriots' Quarterback Tom Brady at Super Bowl Media Day. Tired of being asked about his "injured" ankle he decides to shake things up a bit.
Tom Brady: C'mon people, ask me a dumb question.
The crowd breaks into a frenzy, each person eager to answer the quarterbacks request. One manages to make his voice heard above the fray.
Media Member: Tom, who's your favorite band?
Tom Brady: Ummm...U2.
Fuck you Tom Brady, not only are you the leader of one of my least favorite sports teams of all time (and thus an unfair figure head for everything that's horrible about Boston, especially it's ridiculous race problems) you also like U2. The same U2, whose continued popularity I will probably never understand. A band who manages to make any person who likes them seem even more boring, whitewashed, and devoid of personality than they already are. You were one of two members of your team that I could stand(Kool Aid Maroney is still as solid as all get out), but that exemption no longer applies to you. Fuck you.
I know this post may come off as a bit irrational but I don't care. I heard this on my way to work today, and seriously considered withdrawing from society. That is how much this infuriated me. Oh and as to why I hate Boston sports teams and the fans that support them, I'm not sure why I do.
Oh wait, it's because they suck.
And trust, I will be rooting against you on Sunday. Not for the Giants, just against you.
I do like this picture of Brady though...
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