Yeah. You know the drill. Back. Sorry. If I could give a coupon for free waffle fries I could. You people deserve waffle fries more than anyone. This might seem trite but I don't know what I've ever done to earn my share of waffle fries.
so easy
To get lost in this strange place. Wandering for days. Wondering why people think it's ok to talk to me about denim?
These sentences don't deserve to be said all that much. Then again, I am the same guy who made a fortune out of running into restaurants and screaming "THE POPE'S DEAD!" At least those words had some feeling behind them. I ain't just making conversation. There is no attempt at trying to be street. I wish to think that it was life in it's most unadulterated form. The pope is not dead. I can dance with that.
It's all about getting big. Throw the bullshit out there and live the life you want. That's what they tell me in college applications, our bastion of truth, told me so. I was talking to my father about the merits of his new lifestyle and the giant catfish they offer when i stumbled on the epiphany that I actually gave a fuck.
Now this shouldn't shock or alarm you. All of us give a fuck and care a little about something, usually something Swedish. However, for the past 8 months I have been caught up in a stream of everyday joviality that served to undermine the singular purpose (that I dunno what it is). Reading Rabbit Run blasted me to the point of dancing in the murky streams of nothingness and praying for the day when I can live in a van.
I mean that's good and all, but on the cusp of graduating from college our best case scenario should not be centered around "living in a van".
My question to you is... When did being successful become so uncool?
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