I rise from my symbolic grave like a zombie gunslinger. I’m here to take out all my enemies, all the haters. Each and everyone one.
My dedication to Hindy has been questioned. It need not be. The philosophy that powers this blog courses through my blood, not in a venereal disease kind of way but in a stuff that I live and die for kind of way. While writers have come and gone from our humble abode (don’t even get me started on Archibald, apparently the stupid fuck thinks
Instead I will write you guys plays and short stories, because you see, that’s what has been taking up vast amounts of my time since the Super Bowl. These works of art (which they most definitely are) are going to revolutionize some literary shit.
So without further ado, here is the first of a number of Hindy exclusive plays and short stories. This first one is a play though. Enjoy. And if you not, you’re just a hater like everyone else.
Horror Pops
Written and directed by Sergei T. S. W. Tortoise
Staring: _____ and _____
Featuring the voice of: _____
With appearances by: _____, _____, _____, _____
Yeah, this is Richie. Oh, it’s you Harry…No I didn’t go to work today. Why...The restaurant got robbed. You don’t say…No I took the day off, had more exciting things to do than go to work. Seems like an especially good day not to have gone in now…What’d I do? Oh exciting stuff, you know. I’m really not one to brag…no…Alright alright. I just stayed home, watched some TV…Like your life is so much better. Fuck you, you jerk!
He slams down the phone and the desk crumbles.
Just my luck. I ought to make him pay for this table. This would’ve never happened if he hadn’t of aggravated me.
He starts pacing, mumbling to himself, undoubtedly reviewing all of Harry’s trespasses in the utmost detail. The more he paces the more fidgety he gets, reaching a point of near trembles around the 42nd minute. After another 8 more minutes of this he comes to a panting stop at the head of the stage trying to catching his breath.
He pauses as if about to go on about Harry, but the pause bears no fruition. Instead he starts pacing again. This fidgeting doesn’t come on this time, and after 36 minutes more of pacing, he makes his way over to the TV tray. He turns towards the crowd and begins to speak.
You know I haven’t eaten today. I think it’s why I’m so—so antsy. I don’t know. I’m probably wrong. It’s probably something else. But I am pretty hungry now. Hopefully this will hit the spot.
He picks up the can of chili and holds it like a model from The Price is Right. He wants everyone to see what he is about to eat. After doing this he puts it back down on the table and picks up the can opener. In an excruciatingly slow manner he opens the can. After opening the can he places the can opener back down and stares into the decapitated can.
The other four boys all run at Richie and start punching, stabbing, and shooting, while the leader continues to stare out at the audience. The stage lights violent flash, filling the stage with green and red. The leader finally he turns towards Richie and starts to saunter over. The other boys have continued to attack Richie’s body relentlessly and his shirts has visibly started to become drenched with what looks like blood. The leader finally comes to a stop about a front of Richie, he pauses and then leaps onto the arm of the recliner. Richie still hasn’t stirred. The green and red flashes stop. The leader moves in clasps both of his hand together his index and middle finger extended on both hands, as if he is holding a gun and begins yelling.
Pop…Pop. Pop Pop. Pop! Pop Pop Pop! POP!
His job done, he jumps off the recliner and walks off stage, the other four boys following behind him. Richie is still lying there, his shirt now red. There is no longer any snoring. Just silence. This is how things will be for eight solid minutes. Once those eight minutes pass Richie comes to with a gasp. He sits up and looks down at his shirt.
Oh god. I must’ve thrown up on myself while I was asleep. Maybe that Hormel chili didn’t hit the spot.
He gets up and immediately takes of his shirt. He wrings it out, sending blood/chili to the floor.
Do you know why I am speaking to you?
Is this God?
The voice starts laughing. It’s almost a giggle, or as close to a giggle as a booming disembodied voice can muster.
No it is not, but that is beside the point as that is not the question I asked you
Oh…I’m sorry. I just thought I should ask, I mean I just thought you might…
Richie! That is not what I asked. Again, do you know why I am here.
No, I have no idea.
Your time has come Richard Matthew Sanders. It is time for me to take you to another place.
Where are we going?
You will see when we get there.
Am I going to hell.
I said you will see when we get there…but just because of that I can guarantee it sure as hell won’t be
Richie walks over picks up his shirt, wrings it out once more, and puts it back on.
Hurry up, I haven’t got all day.
Richie slowly walks towards the head of the stage. He sadly looks out on the crowd and pitifully waves. The lights go out.
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