Please be patient and bear with me on this one. I am gunning for your immediate disgust but I beg you to quash this feeling and bear with me. I'm not going that far out there. We will not discuss what life would be like as Dracula (maybe Blackula but that's for later). We're not going very far but we are going to a subversive ridiculous place.
I let a chicken eat a bean out of my belly button today. It wasn't a bad thing to do. It wasn't great and I doubt I'll do it again unless the chicken somehow tricks me. While it wasn't a great thing, I am glad for the experience.
Think back to the time before Hot Fudge. A group of friends gather for ice cream and social talk of the day. When the conversation becomes lax, the friends are unwilling to blame themselves and instead sour themselves on the ice cream. Desperate to revive the conversation, one has the inkling that fudge would be good on ice cream. On a lark, he microwaves a glass container of fudge and pours the molten results on his scoop. He does not know what will happen or what it will be like, but does anyway. Such is the mother innovation, the onus of super-fun-times.
The prospect of poultry beaks has always frightened me. I've had these birds in my life for over a year now and still fear the prospect of getting pecked. This fear becomes especially tangible when toying with the idea of six foot tall chickens.
The dining experience brought a new kind of fear into my life. I have been afraid of feelings, sounds, and atmospheres, but little of visible fear has ever crept up on me. Like it or not, tangible threats to my livelihood mostly come in sonic forms. Little visual terror has ever happened to me. The only guns that have ever been pointed at me have been in silhouette. Shadows don't count.
The prospect of a beak nearing my navel was an uncomfortable one. The bite hurt a little, but I was left better because of it. A small facet of life has been explored, like going to Thailand but only for 15 minutes. I don't have a full understanding of the place but I'll fall asleep with a smile because I know it exists.
If you aren't exploring, you're failing
The world is not concrete. Explore the circumstances and you're bound to find some great place to push on the parameters. Yesterday I walked up to a Cop in the midst of writing me a ticket. I asked him why the fuck he was writing me a ticket. He gave me requisite explanations. I told him I was too good of a guy to get 5 tickets in 4 weeks. He looked me over and agreed. This was not all. he was not so sure that he could trust the innate knowledge his eyes provided. He gave me an honesty test to judge how good I was.
The first question was "What do you think about the cops?"
I answered honestly and uncomfortably but all became well when he smiled he tore up the ticket.
Magic is everywhere. Take heart, Arch.
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