I've been mulling this blog post for about a week and a half but never got around to it for a variety of reasons; the main one being that I've recently lost all confidence in my ability to put together cohesive thoughts on paper (or computer screen, in this case). I'm not sure why this feeling is suddenly affecting me, as I've never been all that worried about the clarity of my writing. I've always just written, trusting that someone would be able to extrapolate what I was trying to get at.
But now that Andrew and Jeff have added their musings to the blog, I guess it's time for me to do the same. I'm usually late to the party anyway.
Anyway, here goes, what I've learned (in no particular order):
I once lived in an avocado. It smelled, was always dirty, the plumbing rarely worked, and a homeless man lived beneath my window; but all and all it was a wonderful experience. A time of hope and love.
I cherish my alone time, but have come to enjoy the company of certain others much more.
John was right.
A coworker of mine constantly complains about how unfair the world is. No shit, dude. We don't have to dwell on this though.
My friends are my family.
This doesn't mean I don't like my actual family. In fact, they are quite cool. It just took me awhile to figure that out.
I like tacos. Much more than I realize, according to everyone else.
My brain is packed with loads of unnecessary information. Seriously, I can have a conversation about practically anything. The drawback is that I know little of what I should actually know.
I write in an attempt to capture the speed of thought.
The mundane is fascinating in the right light.
Don't drink out of Eiffel Tower shaped brandy bottles you find in dumpsters. It's not a good idea. Also, don't hang out in dumpsters.
I am the fasted man alive when I've had too much to drink.
Driving on the freeway alone at night can be wonderful.
I am very comfortable with who I am.
Two of the best things I've ever read are comic books.
I get way too much enjoyment out of reading message boards. It's that whole staring at a car wreck thing, I know someones going to say something awful/retarded
My syntax can be absolutely atrocious, for no other reason than I often growed bored of a sentence before I've finished writing it out.
And don't get me started on my grammar.
If I talk to you it means I like you.
Museums are the best place to go on the first date, especially if neither of you realize it's a date.
I want to grow up to be a decent person who continues to experience love and has days filled with good conversations. If I do that I'll be happy.
Notes unrelated to the rest of this post:
Nico doesn't like it when Joel writes about basketball, but I must take this opportunity to note that the Lakers beat the Celtics tonight. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!
The winter of my senior year it was so cold in my apartment that I pulled a muscle while shivering in bed one night. It was totally not awesome.
I am back, after a year long vacation. Look forward to future posts written in the voice of a valley girl. We're pretty much the same after all.
P.S. This is Bryan (theoretically)
1 comment:
regarding your complaining co-worker comment (i.e. not dwelling on the unfair parts): tell it to kanye!
regarding museums: too true. too true.
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