Boy, looking over my blogs from last season I can only think one thing. I HAD NO IDEA HOW TO PROPERLY USE PRONOUNS. Oh well I suppose it's for the best that I took Introduction to Italian at a local Community College. Not only does the new language inspire (Romance anyone?) but you never truly understand your new language until you begin to explore another. From this point on I promise more proper pronoun usage. Who knows? Maybe new Detroit Tiger Miguel Cabrera will help me learn some Spanish pronouns to boot! What a guy that Miguel. Did you know he speaks two languages fluently?
It was a tumultuous off-season for the Detroit Tigers. I am glad that it is over and that I can finally play baseball again. With so many roster moves it is exciting to see how this team will come together this season. I think we will do good. Our team has a lot of talent. We just need to work hard.
Another reason I am glad for this Baseball season is that I am out of Television Series on DVD. Over the offseason I watched a lot of these. Who can blame me? Without the commercial interruptions, you get nothing but the show you love! Some of my favorites this offseason were Scrubs, The Office, and Frasier. I tried watching 30 Rock because it was Dmitri Young's favorite show but I just didn't get it. I did like that man in the funny hats though. HAHA! Maybe I should customize my Detroit Tigers hat. I could make the "D" into "Doodle" Oh man!
I will be batting leadoff this year. I hope to replicate my accomplishments of last season, but I know that it will be hard. However, with such a good lineup behind me, I know that I will score a lot of runs, I could get 120 if we're lucky.
Dontrelle Willis was another new edition to the team. I have long admired him as a competitor but I never knew how great a guy he was. He is hilarious. He has the best Marvin Gaye impersonation. I think it'll really go over well in Motown.
This is a great season ahead and I look forward to spending it with you. I have to run now though. Spring Training starts today! WEE!
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