Let me start with these sentiments. Curtis and his sentinels will finish third in the AL Central. Segrei will contract syphillis. Archie will take on the personality of some So-Cal peon known in some circles as Keith.
It is worth noting that no one, anywhere, ever, has ever respected Keith. If you watch Six Feet Under you know what I mean. For all his muscles, David's Keith is still one hella drag. He's probably from Philadelphia. That Tom Hanks movie probably moved him beyond his belief. Lifted his existence from mere human to the vaunted status of true Afro-Douchebag (think Ben Wallace with a PHD.)
Let's talk about music. I only listen to Robert Johnson and MF Doom but my attentions once turned to a waifish Canadian Songstress by the name of Nelly Furtado. Let's get this straight, Nelly wasn't the best. Her vocals were weak and her production a far cry from glossy. While these could've MF Doomed a lesser artist they lifted Ms. Furtado in my eyes. Seeing the simplicity of her album, in the year 1998 or 2000 or 2002 I felt for a fact that Ms. Furtado knew what she was going through. She was in touch with her emotions. She was a distinct human being by all accounts. Listen to this...
I'm like a bird.
I want to fly away.
Don't know where I'm going
Don't know where my home is...
These lyrics told me that Miss Furtado had never been exposed (or at least appreciated) to the fine work of Ginsburg, but what they said was something. The poor thing was lost in the Vancouver Wilderness. She didn't know where her little life was headed but she knew for a fact that she wasn't yet satisfied. The insatiable longing, the search for that intangible something lurked deep within her. She knew this. I knew this. As a 8th or 10th or 12th grade boy I knew that Nelly was going through. She didn't know who she was, but danggummit she wanted to find out.
At this juncture who could fathom a guess as to what was out there? Did triumphs lurk? Would a centaur someday run for president? The world could've been just about anything. You and me Nelly. You and me. We wanted to find out together. I'm not saying we were lovers. I never even crushed on Miss Furtado but I do know that we were on a similar journey. We wanted to spelunk. We dared to explore. I must warn that this is mere conjecture, though I presume that seems obvious. I guess the gist I'm getting at, is that at one point in the way back machine, that Nelly Furtado meant something.
A Timbaland/Nelly/Justin remix came on swirled around in Enya's Orinoco Flow. I have to admit that the song has a beautiful effect. It makes me want more. It makes me believe. But this is only because I never listen to lyrics. Upon taking a closer listen I am appalled at the state that has overtaken my Darling Nikki.
Nelly: I'm a supermodel...
I love my ass and my abs.
Nelly has gone and found herself a good dose of self esteem. This sex fueled pop has driven her record (well downloads) sales higher, they have taken the bite out of Furtado.
Other people have recognized her. They paid credence to her charms. For some this would lead to an artistic renaissance. For others it would lead to self esteem. I surmise that this is the case of one Nelly Furtado. I should have seen it coming when she name dropped Steve Nash. I should have known it for a fact when she released "Promiscuous". I didn't see or know either. I bought into Nelly as a poor, sensitive soul. What I didn't count on was that Nelly was an average girl with below average self esteem.
Given the gifts of this world, Nelly has reverted to the most lackluster of forms. Body image issues solved by dollars and attention, she has chosen to sing the praises of her physical form and little else. I will acknowledge her beauty but there was so much more. It is a shame to see someone so resonant in their insecurity become suddenly confident. The results can be disastrous.
As it currently stands, Nelly is a bona-fide pop star. While this exalts her, while this lifts her to the precipice of singing the Canadian National Anthem before NBA All-Star games it makes her mean absolutely nothing to me.
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