Sitcoms are a great american invention. They were invented in the 1880's when someone discovered that putting together two words to make one word was socially acceptable. Jermaine O'Donnell is credited with creating the word sitcom while discussing a new play for the theatre of broadstreet. In his small New York apartment, him and his friend, Mork Milano, wrote the first sitcom using a rotating stage with help from the Ford motor company. This was a way to switch between scenes quickly.
Not only was their idea a flop, lasting only 3 showings, but they were arrested for witchcraft, and the Ford Motor Company denied any knowledge of the magical stage switcher and refused to provide a lawyer to their clients. Historians now believe the general public was not ready for them, as their brains were not wired for such intense comedy and fake laughter. Some like Mike Fitzpatrick who was alive to see the first showing now recall the moment and laugh about it. Sitcoms only really regained popularity in the 1940's with the invention on television and discovery that foreigners were actually allowed to be on television.
The new millenium brought us people failing out of elementary school because of excessive car exhaust inhilation and high fructose corn syrup. This led to an overall dumbing of the population and a loss of interest in sitcoms. Reality television, the toilet of television industry suddenly became immensely popular as it let people brain crap all over themselves. But thanks to some new and great sitcoms (arrested development), the great american sitcom is seeing a return. alright peace out.
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