I'm sipping coffee from a mug with my name neatly emblazoned on the side. It is a sign of subtle decor and childhood, with the J and O being smudged to the cusp of recognition (due to my own foibles I must add).
Why do I have this cup? I am not a social studies teacher, although the cup suggests otherwise. On a heartier note my vanity doesn't extend into the realm of my kitchen sundries (it goes towards building several solid gold statues of myself outside the Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio). I have this cup because I went to camp.
A Week Ago's Worries: Making Children Smile, Trying Not To Smell, Winning Ubersignificant games of pick up basketball, finding someone to have a beer with on my hour off.
Current Worries: My Own Inevitable Homelessness, Waking Up in Time For School, Eating too much Ramen, Paying Rent, Remembering to ask permission.
I feel like I just woke up from a trip, finding myself in an elementary school bathroom. The other boy's scuffle and shout, going about their merry way. I've got no notion as to what to do, or even what tasks at performed at this point. I stand at the urinal and wait for drips to come.
One of the other boys grows curious.
"How big is yours?"
"I have no idea" I tell him honestly.
"Well, show me."
I run out screaming and tell teacher. She has to help[ me. Everything that's happening to me (so suddenly to boot!) is an affront to my sense of things that should conceivably happen. On my first day back I received an additional six-thousand dollars of financial aid because I wore a Polo Shirt.
"That's the way things are, Joely."
When one goes through anything reminiscent of a sabbatical, sojourn, or others of that ilk, a decompression is in order. Jumping in is too fast and too daunting to do any good (not that you can't get by with gusto, but careful consideration must be given towards certain choices). As good Pere Alliance Brock said "They say this isn't the real world but we're stripped down to our barest essentials and forced to make due. This is the only real world."
Now, the only question is what gets picked up and what gets left by the wayside? Juggling, you're riding with me.
I'll miss you Skylake.
It's good to be back, even if this post is shit.
1 comment:
I had a moment yesterday where I lost all reference for "what is funny". I smiled, as this is a great sign. Then, after spending an incredibly boring afternoon in my house, I dreamt marathons.
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