Nico Constantinides is a 21 year old Senior at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, California. He is a native Californian and enjoys staring at things.
This is Nico.
I've been reading this site for a long time. I like it. It's my friend Joel's and he's always writing really weird stuff for me to read. I like to peruse the content at work when I grow weary of reading Kesey's Jail Journal (you should check it out). It's like really weird but I like it... and that's the thing.
I like this site, I like Joel, but goddamnit quit writing this shit about basketball. I don't care about leather, hoops, or even round things on the whole. Oh, you have an opinion on a basketball team... That ain't art. Jack Johnson isn't art.
I doubt he'd ever sing a song about basketball or even basketball players. Maybe the like mind of a basketball player, slashing and swimming his way to the hoop in beatific fashion that mirrors his romantic pursuits but I can assure you that the word "dunk" wouldn't be included.
Andrew Bird wouldn't either.
Awesome singer songwriters almost never do. Don't even think about it Matt Costa. If you so much as drop a Larry Bird reference I'm taking your CD out of the Honda and putting it in the house.
You know I don't listen to music in the house. Houses are for living not listening. Everyone knows that; don't be dumb.
You can write about basketball. All day long if you want to, just don't expect me to read it. As soon as I read the letters "ba-" I'm skimming over to some shit that doesn't suck. It's a simple thing, people put balls into holes. What can that teach us? It isn't human, it's heart doesn't beat.
A beating heart contains a treasure trove of beautiful secrets. Someday I'd like to find out those secrets.
dear nico,
you are off base about basketball. it is the life blood of our country. or at least it's symbolic of hope. just look at obama and his constant balling, campaign trail be damned.
other than that i enjoyed your post.
Constantinides is the voice of a generation. I've been an avid follower of his writing career since about 2 minutes ago. Mark my words; this guy is gonna go places.
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