Dartmouth Minx is a frequent contributor to New Hindenburg specializing in arts, humanities, and adultery. He has been arrested on suspicion of mail fraud upwards of a dozen times and permanently banned from competition for the Newberry Award.
Excuse the prolonged absence folks! Sabbatical is a beautiful thing and a wonderful excuse to get drunk at eight in the morning. (Call the Mimosas research, garcon.) Seeing how this blog has devolved into a smorgasboard of self loathing I have been left with no choice but distance. I can't nurse egos, only more Mimosas.
It's been trying to read this drivel but unable to. The dense construction of these posts has made me want to walk away from these grounds forever and pick up a golf club Don't worry folks, the club will be for Mucking and nothing else. You'll learn what Mucking is later. Much later. Let's allude this fact: It's a recreation sport in it's formative stages.
There's only one thing that could bring me back. The love of journalism. Given the opportunity to interview pop impresario Ray Parker, Jr (of Ghostbusters fame) I had to put down my muck stick and get back to work.
Dartmouth Minx: So Ray, what have you been up to?
Ray Parker, Jr: A lot of things. Making new music, producing new work, in the process of a full fledged television special.
DM: Is it about Ghostbusters?
RP: No. New material.
DM: Oh... I'm sure people will be very interested.
RP: What's that supposed to mean?
DM: Anyhow... How did you shed the label of one hit wonder?
RP: By producing music and working hard.
DM: You really think you shed that label? It's not a bad thing. Ghostbusters is a wonderful, wonderful song. I loved it when I was 7.
RP: Thanks.
DM: So, when you sang the line "bustin' makes me feel good", what was your intent?
RP: Well, I didn't write the song?
DM: Sounds like you were singing about Orgasms. Like a lot. So much that it's been hard to get that line out of my head when I... y'know.
RP: That wasn't my intent.
DM: Don't hate. Bustin feels gooooooooooooooooooooood.
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