Saturday, April 26, 2008
It's Finally Here!
I've been a bit absent from this blog/website/recipe compendium as of late. My apologies on this front. On one hand I feel that I don't have much to say aside from pure conjecture and reviews of Foxtrot comic strips. (JASON HAS A DART GUN! AND HE SHOT PAIGE WITH IT! LOLZIEZ!). This drought of annoying proportions can be attributed to several factors.
1) Life's too good.
Days these days, end only one way. Sprawled in bed, limbs spinning out everywhere. Rejoicing in clean sheets while eating pizza in bed. Waking up the next morning with the wonder of why I am covered in crumbs. These champion thoughts! Far reaching triumphs of American Idiocy! Here I am! I don't care!
Call me crazy but it feels like enough. Smiling while falling asleep never grows old. Each day holds a passion, triumph, and sense of adventure that could forever be unparalleled. If my future self told me these were the best days of my life I wouldn't be surprised. Then I would ask him to take me to the future, whereupon we would be both be harvested as food for the Mongoloid race. (All HAIL KING CHEN!)
2. Respect for words
Words are a pretty hallowed thing for me. Lame as fuck I know, especially for someone dedicating so much of their time coming up with creepy things to write in the margins of library books.
I know a lot of people I love read this blog. I don't want to subject ya'll to 3000 word diatribes about my wiffleball performances. The only thing you'll get out of it is the lesson: don't fuck with rosebushes.
I've recently opened Oscar Wilde's "Portrait of Dorian Gray". In the work he spins a great narrative (not The Great Narrative, that's my future) in the form of abject philosophical thoughts and inklings of lust. The thing fits together like a puzzle, perfectly composed, challenging one to understand what it stands for. Given the artistic form of the novel, one is given an unabridged freedom. The thing that makes words better than pictures, movies, and slideshows, is that you can get into another's head. These other medium's allow an assumption. The words give a presence!
I've learned so much so quickly. My friends have recently gone forth with "the ultimate inspiration". Though I am wary on some levels, I know this is one of the few things that can build me up, turn me into the "Person I ought to be". This is a beautiful thing, a gesture possessive of all that love and camaraderie have to offer. However, I cannot marry this idea while the San Antonio Spurs are thriving.
For all intensive purposes the San Antonio Spurs have resemble a creative collective. Tim Duncan is the superstar. The piece de resistance that no one can ignore. Whether or not he is at the apex is of no bother, he will always be at the top, his name mere inches from the tip of your tongue. he is the silent brooding force, the be all end all. However, he is without ego. He steps aside letting (relative) peons like Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili take the spotlight. though these two play THE BEAUTIFUL GAME, I will never be able to appreciate them. they possess the soul crushing embodiment of a winner to the extent that it would make me content to be a loser. I don't want to dalliance for your attention or shape my work by your guidelines. I want to do what I want, in a great creative burst, shooting forth uncensored. How is that possible when the Nash/Amare artistry is rendered helpless by these cold hearted mercenaries of success.
Watching the Spurs, hearkens me back to the High School Scholarship Scramble. No matter how much it matters to you, me, or anyone. We cannot win. Not when the National Honor Society kids sweep in at the last moment and claim the prize. Who can blame them? They were born winners. They take the throne without pity. Let losers wallow!
In any case: a revolution is slowly forming. Art in it's finest form, fueled by friendship, camaraderie, and indulgence in ideas only we love. I get sat down for heavy handed lectures, inspired by the idea, but fearful of the Spur's corollaries. The Spurs give big shots to the likes of Oberto, Finley, and Barry, role players on the highest possible stage (though Finley used to be fantastic). I see this as the perfect model, but can not merge the idea with my abject hatred of the Spurs.
Also, I need to have a heart to heart with Chauncey Billups.
4. Finals Week
As a college student who has effectively shirked off the entire semester, I have no idea how i am going to get through it all. Sorry I ignored you college, I know you are a bastion of all good things, in the back of my mind I have always appreciated the idea of quiet submission to my chosen field. That being said, I feel my person growing to the extent that college cannot contain me. Too many ideas, so many possibilities, that I cannot possibly submit to you right now. I am sorry. Deep down, I love what you've done, but so invigorated by people and ideas I have no time for you. I just need to get through the rages of this semester and exalt in the freedom of being a human being with ideas.
What I need to do to get through the semester:
Medieval Civilizations:
Seeing as I don't know any of the material it is best that I submit my final on Medieval Parchment.
French: Seeing as I know nothing it is best that I dress up as a Frenchman for my final and be very argumentative.
Sailing: Fucked. Str8 up.
Sound: I have no idea.
I don't even know my other classes. Let's be people!
5. Certain Special People
Apologies for pure drivel.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Indie Movie Review: Welcome to the Dollhouse?

This wet summer comes down on us dripping wet and nibbling on our ankles. It's time for some of that good old fashioned Americana. The superstar stuff of champions. The sort of inkling that creeps into your blood, sending jitters down your spine. There you find yourself; sprinting barefoot on that oozy asphalt towards that chrome ball of dreams: the playground.
Lick your lips, gathering in all that salty anticipation. The parade of play! The paragon of ultimate childhood fun! Though seemingly aged to the heavens (a musky 21) I am so enamored by these metal beasts and their accompanying slides, bridge, and knee sores. Long live the imagination! Here I am: Captain Explorer! In the land of youth they were everything. Now? I see homeless guys sleeping in one sometimes; it reeks of urine.
Let's go back to church people...

Serena Williams? Pfffttt. Everybody know Obama gon' be the first black president.
My name is Shelton Quarrels. I played corner back for the Tampa Buccaneers. I'm coming to eat your cookies!
Monday, April 21, 2008
ZOMG! all the hottest goss for the here and the now

yo yo yo kiddies,
so i spent most of the last month researching my latest play. its about a karate master you may be familiar with who supposedly died in the last year or two. thing is the guy (or girl...) didn't die, in fact he just faked that shit so that he could lure the world into a false sense of security and then launch an underground cookie revolution, one that would completely change the way that you, me and everyone we love and care about (and occasionally hate on) view life. the secret ingredients, some hardcore shit that i don't care enough about to remember currently. it was heady stuff, and i gotta say it was a relief to finally pull myself out of that whole society. i don't know if i got the meddle for cut throat black ops shit.
but yeah needless to say the whole quagmire required some intense embedded-ness on my part, so i hadn't seen my meat pack district apartment that entire time. so i get home earlier today and i find that my mail box (both literal and virtual) is packed full of assorted correspondence from eastern european companies of varying prestige asking me--yes little ol' me--to become their new corporate face. see the thing is in the month since i last surfaced, i've become a sort of celebrity as my play was viewed as being a perfect (to all the motherfucking t's) deconstruction of contemporary eastern european society. so after shining light on how pitiful that collective group of people's lives really are, each and every one of these corporations has been rushing to get me to endorse them, thus giving them the badge of "hey nearly everything you believe in is bullshit, but not this, so buy the fuck out of it, and you're guaranteed to be cool, just like me." being new to this and also not wanting to get myself into yet another quagmire (especially not another that requires spending a month with exhumed corpses), i started doing some research on all of my company-callers and on celebrity and whether or not i'm willing to take that plunge in the first place.
well after 48 minutes of work i've come to an answer...fuck yes i'm ready to embrace celebrity and all the cool shit that comes with it. celebrities lead the coolest lives dating who ever they want (i'm already in touch with bea arthur), driving whatever they want (i've already ordered a bentley wheel barrow with which i will drive around l.a. in), smoking whatever they want (...umm maybe it's better i not say my plans for this), and just all around doing whatever they want regardless of whether or not common folks could do it (13 nipslips already!). whose to tell you know when you're fucking aces afterall. but as for my company i'll be lending my striking visage too...well it turns out it's not eastern european (although i'll be fronting their foray's into poland and the ukraine). it's a little los angeles based company that you may have heard of...ready for sure...don't want at least one more guess...ok hilton shoes!!! i am proud to say that those heels are the cat's meow and i can whole heartedly throw my all behind their product from both an aesthetic and comfort levels. plus it'll occasionally give me the chance to hob nob with paris's new beau, benji, something which im all for.
besides raking in the dough that comes with having agreed in principle (and tomorrow signing the contract) to shill ms. hilton's excellent footwear, i'm also going to start documenting all the goings on of my new friends. so be ready for plenty of not so exclusive pics and anecdotes of miley cirus, scarjo, and tom sellek. it's the life of a celebrity babies, and i'm living the fuck out of it.
now excuse me while i go prepare for my first champagne bath.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Not Today. Never on This Date.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Religion in a Bottle

In time of spiritual tumult, when tough questions are asked to be answered or ignored, a fear came down from above. What if there was nothing? This fear did not pertain to life after death, meaning in the everyday, or any of the big tantamount fears casually tossed about like rag dolls. The treacherous feeling creeping in my stomach as my family drove through the idles of Kentucky, was connected to the loss of magic. What is religion but explanation for the strange and weird? Without a belief in the almighty can one harbor hopes in the berths of ghosts, coincidence, and other manifestations appearing for no reason at all.
In other words: What would become of the magic?
My fourteen year old had a slippery grip on the nature of everything, he even liked Slipknot. A belief called to me but I was unwilling to make the leap. It shut too many doors, made the world too small. We can mask our beliefs, but deep down at the core of it, we feel their resonance.
God has no place in my life. I'd rather concentrate my efforts on pigeon racing, skirt chasing, and lustrous endeavors of this cynical realm. I reject him/her like Marcus Camby, all long limbed and injury prone.
The secular world has done a world of good for my thought, my joy, and my heart, but at the core of it everything is spiritual. Magic is everywhere! I can't do anything without seeing the forces at work.
Example 1: The Pierre Turgeon Corollary
Pierre Turgeon was a high scoring centre in the NHL through the 80's and 90's, playing for the Sabres, Islanders, and Blues among other teams. He wasn't the best, which is why I liked him.
The best is never appealing. True beauty falls in falling just short and abysmal failure. This is why my favorite athletes of all time are Charles Barkley, Karl Malone, and Roy Williams of the moribund Detroit Lions franchises. (Note: Roy might be in the pantheon because he lived near me and talked to my friends and I when we knocked on his door.)
Trading cards at school was a favorite activity among the latchkey kids in my school. One fine day, I managed to procure a Turgeon All Star Card. I put it in my folder and put the folder in my backpack for safe keeping. I continued playing and drooling before going home for the day. It was my last moments of blissful innocence for when I got home the Turgeon was gone!
I searched high and low in every possible crevice. How dumb could I be? This was a Pierre Turgeon! One of the top ten goal scorers in the NHL! The very same Pierre Turgeon who was traded for Pat LaFontaine! THE PAT LaFONTAINE!
I couldn't find the card and moved on with life, forever embittered. Two weeks later, after multiple rounds of laundry, I felt something in my pocket while I ate a breakfast of WaffleCrisp (love those nooks and crannies). I looked in my pocket and there it was! PIERRE TURGEON!
Example 2: The Franzia Phenomenon
Drinking is good sometimes. When idle or stricken with malaise I indulge in the sauce. While I have been known to dabble in the church of Chimay, my economic stature limits me to the alleys of Miller High Life ("Cheaper than water" according to a certain LaPenna) and wine that comes in boxes.
This isn't the classiest distinction. Esquire would surely revoke my subscription if they knew. I make up for it by drinking out of the loveliest goblets, carved silver numbers.
These goblets fit nicely under the plastic tap and are able to take the fill. I watch the liquid pour in and once satisfied, attempt to close it. My fingers are too fat! They don't fit around the tap! I struggle and adjust to no avail. THIS WILL BE MESSY! It isn't.
At the very precipice of a mess gigantic, the tap becomes friendly and allows me to close it. I look down at my glass and see that it's filled to the exact perfect spot.
There are more examples but I'm lacking in the gusto department tonight. Procrastination does that to a man.
God wouldn't care about this shit.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
WHO YOU GONNA CALL?!? Ray Parker Jr.

Dartmouth Minx is a frequent contributor to New Hindenburg specializing in arts, humanities, and adultery. He has been arrested on suspicion of mail fraud upwards of a dozen times and permanently banned from competition for the Newberry Award.
Excuse the prolonged absence folks! Sabbatical is a beautiful thing and a wonderful excuse to get drunk at eight in the morning. (Call the Mimosas research, garcon.) Seeing how this blog has devolved into a smorgasboard of self loathing I have been left with no choice but distance. I can't nurse egos, only more Mimosas.
It's been trying to read this drivel but unable to. The dense construction of these posts has made me want to walk away from these grounds forever and pick up a golf club Don't worry folks, the club will be for Mucking and nothing else. You'll learn what Mucking is later. Much later. Let's allude this fact: It's a recreation sport in it's formative stages.
There's only one thing that could bring me back. The love of journalism. Given the opportunity to interview pop impresario Ray Parker, Jr (of Ghostbusters fame) I had to put down my muck stick and get back to work.
Dartmouth Minx: So Ray, what have you been up to?
Ray Parker, Jr: A lot of things. Making new music, producing new work, in the process of a full fledged television special.
DM: Is it about Ghostbusters?
RP: No. New material.
DM: Oh... I'm sure people will be very interested.
RP: What's that supposed to mean?
DM: Anyhow... How did you shed the label of one hit wonder?
RP: By producing music and working hard.
DM: You really think you shed that label? It's not a bad thing. Ghostbusters is a wonderful, wonderful song. I loved it when I was 7.
RP: Thanks.
DM: So, when you sang the line "bustin' makes me feel good", what was your intent?
RP: Well, I didn't write the song?
DM: Sounds like you were singing about Orgasms. Like a lot. So much that it's been hard to get that line out of my head when I... y'know.
RP: That wasn't my intent.
DM: Don't hate. Bustin feels gooooooooooooooooooooood.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Great Big Portions!

How Last Thursday Felt at The Time... written March 27, 2008 11:59 PM in a friend's bedroom.
I cannot call to mind or even bear witness to the thoughts that led to this completely convoluted (in a good way) day. The idea was simple: follow myself around with a camera, see what happens. In doing so I have disregarded the utter permanence of the camera. Whatever I do will follow me. Though this is true with any and all instances of life, this held a bit stronger, I felt myself looking back at today from ten years in the future, remembering every thought, recounting every feeling. Becoming the person I was today.
The pressure of the camera felt so cold and stagnant for the first few hours. The exact same feeling one might feel when pouring your heart into a science experiment you know is doomed for "Honorable Mention" status.
Then, in a show of pure vivaciousness, the day took over. I can't say that I wasn't aware of the camera, but I certainly didn't pander to it. I did this experiment the right way. The only way in which it could possibly be conceived.
TANGENT: Do you remember the feeling of forgetting that you were watching a movie and thinking you were part of the action. Do you still feel it? I imagine this feeling is easily lost with the emergence of the brain into adulthood. I haven't been lost in cinema since seeing Titanic. In the theatre, I raised my life to be saved by a life boat. Don't you ever bunk on that flick.
Today feels like some sort of redemption. This over lying feeling of being a loser has been replaced with a smirk at the winding well of events that comprise my daily existence. Happy to be here. Happy to be alive.
In a nutshell here is what today consisted of:
Went to work.
Talked about God.
Got Antsy.
Wished I was inspired. Pretended to be inspired. Realized I didn't give a shit. Faking the funk.
Tried to appreciate Miguel Cabrera.
Ran around.
Built the concept of "Joel Walkowski" into a realm of legend reserved for Mike Fink. I stole a pitcher of beer and smoked a corn cob pipe in a bathrobe.
This is the initial diagnosis of the day. However, transcending the murkiness of inattentiveness I feel that I must look closer and further digest the day. Latching onto the things that stand out is a cop out. While these are the big monuments, they aren't what makes me tick. You look at the face of the watch and get the information. However behind the face, the gears go to battle and tell the story. Grinding away without recognition to get their point across. I like to think that humans are defined by the gears and rather than the face. Well, men I guess, I will never begrudge a woman with a good face. Man! Spring in California makes walking around a college campus something no strict Muslim would ever approve of.
I woke up to tantamount aesthetic delights that can not be done justice in this forum. Awake in the palace, nothing but trepidation in the air, I tiptoed to the outside world, absent in my despair.
Ambling home, along the road, hung over with lust
Seeing a familiar face, hiding is a must.
Paddle down the river roads.
Flows you can't control.
Shrill frothing beasts.
There's nowhere to go but home.
See your love. Greet your love. Call out "Hello Nick".
If we lived in England...
We'd say " ello Nick".
If we lived in England...
We'd suck on lots of pricks.
Into the mines we go and toil
Though hands are calloused
Boy don't you!!!
The malaise is in the mind!
We don't care
and we won't ever.
We feel ourselves, know ourselves
finding that being content to drift isn't quite so scary.
See our lives. Fear on a sixty year old man's face.
By the end of the talk.
The fear is respect.
You feel good.
You walk home. Eat good. Embrace the future.
Strong virile male.
Fuck 3 bitches in a single night
If we didn't love so much.
What would pure lust be like?
Like LeBron. Undeniable.
Four hours slip away.
Gone to nothingness.
John Denver is so calming
God is so alarming.
It can work.
We must know that.
I believe
but can only watch 20 minutes.
Drift some more.
Buy beer in the afternoon.
Uncouth, but I'm lonely
and this knee won't let me run.
Fall away. Fall away. Fall away.
It's good but I should be/could be.
anywhere/everywhere else.
Joe versus the Volcano
Joel versus Life in an Alley.
Eat garbage hot dogs without mustard,
Or ketchup for that matter.
Talk to your mom.
Feed on conversation from breasts once suckled.
Wonder about Dad.
Dream of baseball season.
See those home runs.
Crisply contrasted against a cloudless blue sky.
Cabrera feeds the hungry
while unKatrinaing the Katrina.
He probably doesn't do anything
but as a concept OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!
Mom baits you with Mom bait.
Talk seems so silly.
Live the life.
Fall asleep through a traffic jam.
As a prince you don't appreciate.
Become a king.
Live the life.
Get drunk.
See what happens.
Everything happens.
Wear a bathrobe. Smoke a pipe.
Wonder when we'll do anything
Wonder when the fun will stop.
Joel Walkowski's Thursday
Edited and Directed by Nick Olah
Conceptual and Cinematic Assistance by Jeff LaPenna, Matt Goodwin, Heidi Knappenberger, and various others.
Looking back through the prism of time many things become clear both about me and last Thursday. Lessons are learned, but above all else, I wish to state that I didn’t break that bottle of liquor. Blame that on tricky editing by one Nick Olah (who did an utterly fantastic job BTW!!!).
Dressed in a bathrobe, one immediately takes on an air of irresponsibility, nonchalance, and other traits indicative of malaise. For these reasons, I have never appreciated bathrobes like one should. They are warm and caressing, yet gentle and familiar. Like a family member or lover or both (in a good way if that’s possible).
The bathrobe plays an especially interesting part in this film and in my day. I am not religious. I am an avowed atheist for that matter. However, I harbor a staunch belief in the forces of the universe. Things fall into place. In unexpected times, matters tend to coalesce in a truly fitting matter.
Not featured in the film was a phone conversation with my Mother. We talked about many things but among them was my sudden desire for a bathrobe. I had no idea one was in my near future, yet I expected it on some level. Shit like this happens all the time as long as we leave ourselves open to this.
In recent months, looking inside has been emphasized. Falling asleep has never been so interesting, the mind becomes a playground. I knew my thoughts were beginning to change, but didn't realize the extent until someone told me "the journey never stops". Anything can happen as long as one decides to take risks and open doors. These changes are going on with all of us and we have to treasure them, even if they make some fall in love with the film Anywhere, USA . The film commenced with a shot of an empty living room and a voiceover saying "Inside". Sitting in the balcony, I snapped my fingers, and forgave the rest of the film. It's one of my favorite movies, but not because I enjoyed it.
Emphasis on the inward lets me understand how I watch basketball, why I like strawberries, and what childhood memories I tie to dentists. I like to think I'm learning a lot through details, but that could be ego. Such an idea thrives on being self-centered. This view of details might be clouding my vision. It took a film editor to show me that my life is broken down into chapters.
In the grips of Chapter One, I have no control over what I'm doing. I'm at work, subjected to various tasks and indignities that I'd never embark on alone. My laziness at work can be traced to rebellion and the high regard one holds for free time. Something doesn't have to limit me, the mere prospect of barriers is enough to rouse irritation and half-assed rebellion. I see this phenomenon in many walks of life. Dissatisfied with something, it's easier to disregard the institution as a whole than walk away, especially with that sweet sweet sweet sweet eight dollars an hour.
This need for control is evident in the second chapter of the film as well. My lazy afternoon and stemming frustration can be linked to the convergence of a wealth of possibilities meeting the lack of organization to sort through them and figure out what's important.
The afternoon awkwardness has been in my life since childhood. A block of semi-solitary free time is too open, too daunting. I like to think that a month in the woods would do wonders for me. Seeing this pattern, I might be better off in the middle of Times Square.
In the Third Chapter of the film, we see the character embark on fun with friends, sparking an immediate change in attitude. There are many potential reasons for this. The presence of alcohol, the calming shift from day to night, the joy of skipping class, and the unencumbered nature of the friendships at hand. At this point in time, we see a lust for life emerge and take over. Life becomes a silly game that our protagonist is more than willing to play.
This is an interesting contrast to work at the Library. Both scenarios offer friendships, tasks, and a lackadaisical attitude towards responsibility. While one rises as a challenge to live, explore, and push limits, the other stirs up an impromptu game of Hide and Seek. This lack of effort has it's merits. I never would have found earthquake safety issues if I cared about the job. On some level, my uncaring makes me a better worked. Distance is objectivity.
Baseball players are privy to a severe array of mental hang ups and superstitions. The best baseball players aren't the most talented or driven, but the well balanced. They possess the quiet sort of confidence that's so effective in almost all walks of life. You can see me struggle to write in the afternoon after getting hyped up for it. Coincidence? Probably not.
The distinct set of chapters. They are an evolution, ritual, and crutch. They separate each day from the others, distinct entities drifting in space. This makes many days more interesting and fulfilling. This is a good thing. I don't mean to bitch but the task of starting days without connection to the previous brings about tumult, insecurity, and an extreme lack of continuity.
Embarking on an extended task, I connect emotionally rather than intellectually. This makes way for high highs and pursuit of joy, but getting through adversity is extra difficult. The use of emotion can be rooted to insecurity and fears of not being good enough. The awkward afternoon exhibits a quiet acknowledgment of abilities but fear about the ability to access them.
I don't consciously consider the emotions of my day, but a pattern of jumping, running, and silliness emerges for the sole sake of getting myself up for life.
This could be caused by the fact that even though I suck at sports I have never stopped seeing myself as an athlete. I've always believed that heart and effort can overcome ability and circumstance. You can't fake (or even learn) heart and effort. You can only drown in it.
We see many relationships in this film.
Some come with a comfort and familiarity that pushes them to a new level. Both parties approach the beast and let it be what it is. They can't fight or control the beast, their only option is to let the beast do what it wants and accept it. Such submission and dedication is rare to find at such a young age. They know what they have. That's why they can't help but smile.
Some are strained and push themselves harder than they should. We see the characters going after each other, forced to wonder what brings these two together. There is undeniable chemistry but also mutual disrespect. It's been a long strange ride but seeing us in action like this makes it seem like neither of us are trying.
Others are fueled by enthusiasm, laughter, and previously held notions of youth. When doing things associated with youth, enjoyment is evident and self-sustaining. The times don't stop, they build other times. These come unencumbered. They burst forth sporadic and furious, there isn't time to consider them, only to enjoy them. Lost in the moment. This is the blessing. We'll hearken back to these times as long as we're able to remember them.
For a brief moment, you see an encounter with Rick, a 60 year old man in one of my classes. He comes in the library, works his ass off, and serves as a model student. When asked why I missed class I respond that "it was too intense." This was a lie. I skipped class because it was about the existence of God. I didn't want my views and beliefs questioned by mathematical logic and Saint Anselm. I believe self discovered beliefs should be protected and nurtured, questioned naturally by the flow of things and not in a classroom. I fail to mention this to Rick. We're stark contrasts but his approach is probably as deeply steeped as mine. Who am I to pose a threat? This could be an age issue.
You see a strange interaction with one of my Bosses when she inquires about a Farmer's Market. This is because she locks me in a room sometimes. Seriously.
I can analyze, remark, and explore this video until the cow comes home. I have a feeling I've already done so. As hard as I try to put into words the quirks, lessons, and stems of thought, nothing can compare to watching the video itself. I'll be able to watch this video in 50 years (forces of the universe willing) and relive a day of my youth.
We all have an energy, an essence that projects from us through every endeavor we chance to embark on. Understand someone's energy and the rest of their world falls into place. We can't quite understand them, but we can sure as hell see what's there. Personal as it may be, it is beyond our control. Nothing we do can have bearing on it.
I see this film and a Young Man who's trying. He might not be where he wants to be, he might not ever get there. He has an incredibly high opinion of himself, a belief that might not be justified. We don't see him work, care, or take charge until he is the presence of others. Watching him preen and fawn, we get the impression that he is trying to impress us, to make the world love him.
There are moments that speak strongly against the boy from a moralist stance. Jokes about pedophilia, undoubtedly cross a line and exhibit an extreme lack of reverence for the most delicate of matters. The fact that I would say these things, even in a humorous vain, makes me feel lecherous. Maybe they're brought on by the relationship, intoxicants, or other conditions, but they suggest that nothing is held sacred. I didn't mean them, but that doesn't matter.
Even in film, where moments get dipped in formaldehyde for long lasting preservation, the idea of truth slips through our fingers. No one can know for sure what actions are genuine and what are utter bullshit. However, near the end of the film, when clad in a bathrobe, I announce "I'm living the dream". The words don't speak of my belief in this proclamation but my smile sure does.
Living Forever in Last Thursday,
Joel Walkowski